Firm Membership — AIA Oregon

AIA Oregon Firm Membership Program

AIA Oregon Firm Membership is now available to AIAO member-led firms (meaning at least one principal has an AIA Oregon membership). This is an additional voluntary membership program that provides additional benefits, services and opportunities for firms in Oregon.

Firm membership dues are proportional to the size of your firm and are renewed each year, simply by confirming the current number of people in your firm at the time of renewal. The membership period is from January to December. Please see below list of benefits and opportunities associated with AIA Oregon Firm Membership.

The Return of the Firm Finder, our ‘Find an Architect’ website feature!

The Firm Finder has returned to the website. This tool is a statewide resource providing introductions and contact information for AIAO Firms, and inclusion in it is one of the benefits of Firm Membership.  This page allows visitors to filter their searches by location, project type, firm size, and other parameters.

Other Benefits

Firm Membership is an additional voluntary membership program that provides additional benefits, services and opportunities geared to Oregon firms and includes the following:

  • AIA Oregon Group Health Insurance Program -– eligibility is limited to active AIA Oregon firm members. Please contact at Hub International. Please note this insurance is not available for single practitioners - you must have at least one other full time employee to be eligible.

  • AIA Oregon Professional Liability Insurance Program - eligibility. Please contact at Hub International.

  • Participation in the Oregon Architecture Awards Program, and AIA Portland’s Homes Tour– eligibility

  • AIA Oregon Firm Finder listing. The Firm Finder is an easily searchable feature, and provides a quick overview of each of our member firms – including a link to your website!

  • Discount on on Oregon Job Board listings

  • Spotlight Articles Do you have a special project, announcement, or event you want to promote? - We can publish it on the website and in our Thursdays@3 Newsletter!

  • Group discounts for select programs, conferences and events

Click on the link below to download the 2022 AIA Oregon Firm Dues Invoice. AIA Oregon appreciates your support and we look forward to seeing you at our various programs in the coming year!

Download the 2025 Firm Membership Application Form Here

Please note-as of 2020, Eligibility for inclusion in AIA Oregon Health Insurance will be limited to firm members only, regardless of whether or not you used it in the past.