Committees — AIA Oregon

If you have any questions about any of our current committees, would like to contact a committee chair, or wish to join one, please contact

Committee on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (CoEDI)

Co-Chairs: Evon Calebrese and Angel Lopez Sanchez
Board Liaison: ML Vidas Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose:  It is the mission of the Committee on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (CoEDI) to better reflect the global & demographic richness of our population through advocacy for under-represented groups in our profession.

Keystones of our mission include:

  • Supporting firms in attracting, developing & retaining the best talent.

  • Providing mentoring opportunities at all phases of the professional pipeline, beginning with early education (k-12).

  • Facilitating connections to the broader community.

  • Promoting the value of design and its contributions to and from society.

Committee on the Environment (COTE)

Chair: Elisa Rocha Board Liaison: Willard Williams Staff Liaison: Colleen Bastendorff

Purpose: The Committee on the Environment (COTE) is committed to educating professionals and the public on sustainable design issues and supporting an agenda of various public and private agencies and organizations. Our belief is that design excellence can only be discussed within the context of sustainability.

Committee on Local Affairs (CoLA)

Not Currently Active

Purpose:  Promote the interest and values of AIA Oregon and our members, including business interests, and the built environment and climate action through public policy advocacy at the local level.

Communications Committee

Chair: Elisa Ahn Board Liaison: Elisa Ahn Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose: Establish policy and operational guidelines related to AIA Oregon communication, including internal and external communication.

Emerging Professional Committee (EPC)

Board Liaison: Jake Zander Staff Liaison: Paul Davis
Portland Chairs: Savannah Sinowitz Nguyen Duong
Interim Eugene Rep: John Webster
Southern Oregon Rep: Joseph Sis Bend Rep: Aaron Buckman

Purpose:  Provide resources and networking opportunities specifically catered to emerging professionals as defined by AIA National. Encourage emerging professionals to become involved in their communities through facilitation of events that are beneficial and meaningful to the newer generation of architects. To provide outreach and support to emerging professionals and provide a conduit for emerging professionals to connect with AIA leadership.


Chair: Kurt Haapala Co-Chair: Benjamin Waechter Board Liaison: Mark McKechnie
Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose:  The mission of the Fellows Committee is to support the objectives of the AIA through active participation in the various committees of AIA Oregon and through recognition of outstanding contributions by architects and members of our greater community. Tasks include nominating new Fellows, and selection of individuals for various awards. Committee membership is open to Fellows of the American Institute of Architects.

Legislative Affairs Committee

Co-Chair: Kim Olsen Board Liaison: Dylan Chavez Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose:  Promote the interest and values of AIA Oregon, our members including business interest, and the built environment and climate action through public policy advocacy at the state level.

Programs Task Force

Board Liaison: Heather Wilson Staff Liaison: Kathy Wendland

Purpose:  The AIA Oregon Programs Task Force was formed as a working group to carry out the work of the Chapter with respect to programs and events that achieve the mission, strategic plan, and operational goals of the organization. The AIAO Programs Task Force assists Sections as needed to fulfill education requirements with a focus on program equity through strategic guidance of each Section’s program planning process.  All AIA Oregon Section-based programs (not events) must be approved by the Board of Directors per the AIA Oregon Program Planning Form.

Small Firms Exchange (SFx)

Chair: Jericho Bankston Board Liaison: Andrew Scheidt Staff Liaison: Kathy Wendland

Purpose:  The Small Firm Exchange is an open forum for single practitioners, principals and employees of small firms to exchange information, ideas, and resources. Monthly meetings may have guest speakers, round-table discussions, or field trips focused on a topic of interest. Some programs will award continuing education credits.

Housing Advocacy Committee 

Co-Chairs: David Mojica, Molly Culbertson Board Liaison: Open
Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose: The Housing Advocacy Committee has two primary goals. The first is to bridge the gap between affordable housing policy and the practice of architecture. We have all observed the disconnect between the State's goals, funding requirements, design and bidding schedules, and development entitlement timelines. The second goal is to evaluate our collective experiences with the competitive RFP process and critically asking ourselves if these practices are creating equitable playing fields, supporting the spirit of MWESB goals, and empowering individuals. Through this we hope to better understand what level of transparency exists in the process and how we can work together to influence the policies the work that we are all so passionate about.

Urban Design Panel

Chair: David McIlnay Board Liaison: open Staff Liaison:Heather Wilson

The UDP hosts presentations on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. A collaborative of AIA Oregon, the American Planning Association (APA), and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), the Urban Design Panel provides a multidisciplinary team of professionals who review both projects submitted to the city of Portland Design Review and local policies related to Portland's built environment. The Urban Design Panel is open to members of these three professional organizations only and provides a combined focused voice pertaining to the issues and conditions that shape our built environment. The Executive Committee is comprised of two members from each professional organization that proves a direct link to their individual Board of Directors. Learn more about the UDP here.