Advocacy — AIA Oregon

AIA Advocacy

AIA has a rich history of advocating for impactful issues and making a difference—from the Democracy in Design Act to student loan debt relief, among many others. Help us engage with federal, state, and local legislators to advocate for what matters most.


AIA’s advocacy efforts are powered by the collective voice and actions of 100,000+ members.

AIA Advocacy AIA is the voice of architecture to legislators at the federal, state, and local level. Start here to learn about AIA’s policy objectives as well as gain tools to help advocate solutions at the national, state, and local level.

AIA's Policy Platform

Architects in Action Network The Architects in Action Network (formerly SLGN) provides resources and connections to AIA members and component leaders advocating at the state and local level.

ArchiPAC AIA's political action committee (ArchiPAC) is an additional tool used by AIA to promote prosperous, sustainable, and equitable communities that benefit everyone.


AIA Oregon hard at work for you

Legislative Affairs Committee Promotes the interest and values of AIA Oregon and our members - including business interests, and the built environment and climate action through public policy advocacy at the state level.

Industry Forum The Industry Forum consists of members from ACEC Oregon, (American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon) PLSO (Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon) AGC Oregon (Associated General Contractors of Oregon) and AIA Oregon. The Forum discusses pressing concerns in each of our industries, either seeking good ideas or ways we can collaborate to create solutions that benefit the entire industry