PGE Virtual Lunch and Learn - Design with Transformation in Mind — AIA Oregon
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PGE Virtual Lunch and Learn - Design with Transformation in Mind

1 AIA LU|HSW Available

Creating an aesthetically pleasing building is critically important, and yet so too is the warm, glow of lights on a cold winter night. The decisions made by architects at the inception of a project in developing architectural plans, landscaping plans, and the project’s civil plans critically impact the location of electrical transformation. Portland General Electric will de-mystify how PGE locates transformation on customer sites. The location of these directly impacts where the meter gear is placed, the placement of trees, often the number of parking spaces, and may impact the location of solar equipment.

By completing this program, participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to design new buildings that meet the requirements of Portland General Electric and ensure that their clients receive reliable electric service.


David Underwood
Manager Design Project Managerment Engineering Support

I have been in the Pacific Northwest for the last 25 years and for the majority of that time, I’ve worked in the utility industry.  In my current role, I manage our western regional Line Design and Crew Coordination teams.  The focus here is on supporting our customers through the new connect process and partnering with them to energize their projects.  The goal is to strike the balance between our new customer designs and costs while also being good stewards of the existing grid for today and tomorrow. 


Jake Lang
Manager Design Project Management

I am a Sagittarius, born and raised in Hillsboro, Oregon. I have been a PGE employee for 28 years, and for the past 22 years, I have been in Line Design. Currently as the Manager of the Customer Line Design team in Portland, my mission is to create positive experiences for PGE customers by developing quality project managers that can balance what the customer needs and what PGE needs to provide reliable, safe and efficient electricity.


Marie Mendez-Nunez
Specialist on Utility Standards Engineering

I love hiking, paddle boarding, and enjoying Oregon’s beautiful outdoors. While at work, I support updates to existing and new customer facing books and guides available on

Earlier Event: January 19
AIA Oregon Board Meeting
Later Event: January 24
AIAO SFx Coffee Break