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February Urban Design Panel

The February 21st Urban Design Panel will be an opportunity for input from all members on the important topic of the future of Downtown Portland and the Downtown RUDAT initiative.

As an enhancement to our usual Q&A chat format following the presentation, we encourage questions, ideas and initiatives in an interactive format.  The Downtown R/UDAT initiative presentation will be kept intentionally short, as a description of the proposed/accepted study beginning summer 2023, to allow an extended discussion period. We see this as a chance for a verbal format more resembling public outreach than the familiar Q&A based panel presentation. The Urban Design Panel seeks to hear all voices, and sees this as an opportunity of early engagement with the RUDAT team from the unique perspective of our membership.

AIA Design Advisory Team on Downtown Portland    

In 'The Art of War', Sun Tzu observed that tactics are important, but the war will be lost without a guiding strategy.  Enormous efforts are underway to address myriad existential problems that have degraded the city of Portland and in particular, our CBD.  We need a long-term strategy for the urban design of our most conspicuous places downtown.  

Application was made to AIA National, who have, for over forty years, sent teams of nationally recognized experts in urbanism into towns and cities across the country to develop and deliver possible directions for urban areas in difficulty.  They sent a R/UDAT (Regional and Urban Design Advisory Team) to Portland in 1983 to explore possible futures for industrial and railroad lands north of W. Burnside.  Among the consequences of that effort is creation of the Pearl District.

The DAT selected for our CBD will take a fresh look at new or changed circumstances affecting employment, housing, equity, public realm, climate etc. and will explore the full potential of what could be achieved – over perhaps two decades.  This may take the form of a series of illustrated scenarios, as did the 1983 R/UDAT.

An on-site meeting including staff from the Architecture Foundation in Washington DC, and the leader of the team of experts occurred in Early February.  Planning is under way for a week-long workshop here in early summer 2023.  In the meantime, intense briefing of the visiting team will occur.  Groups and individuals knowledgeable about each relevant topic and discipline will be sought out to ensure accuracy of the briefings.  Many will also be asked to participate in interviews during the workshop.  We shall also look among our colleagues for firms and individuals who can help illustrate the resulting report.  Engagement of Urban Design Panel members will be important to our success.

At the UDP meeting on February 21st, Paddy Tillett will provide an update on the DAT process, and will respond to questions.

Earlier Event: February 20
AIA Bend Steering Committee Meeting
Later Event: February 22
AIAO SFx Coffee Break